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Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996
Autor Barrett, S. C. H.  + , Harder, L. D.  + , Worley, A. C.  +
Autorenschaft Barrett, S. C. H.; Harder, L. D.; Worley, A. C.  +
Band 351  +
Jahr 1996  +
Sammelwerk Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences  +
Seiten 1271-1280  +
Seitenname Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 +
Sortierschlüssel Barrett,SCHHarder,LDWorley,AC1996ThecomparativebiologyofpollinationandmatinginfloweringplantsPhilosophicalTransactionsoftheRoyalSocietyofLondonSeriesB-BiologicalSciences  +
Stichwort BiolFlor Literaturzitate +
Titel The comparative biology of pollination and mating in flowering plants  +
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Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 + , Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 + , Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 + , Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 + , Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 + , Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 + , Barrett, Harder & Worley 1996 +
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