Semantisches Browsen
Bernard 1976 |
Autor | Bernard, J. M. + |
Autorenschaft | Bernard, J. M. + |
Band | 64 + |
Jahr | 1976 + |
Sammelwerk | Journal of Ecology + |
Seiten | 1045-1048 + |
Seitenname | Bernard 1976 + |
Sortierschlüssel | Bernard,JM1976ThelifehistoryandpopulationdynamicsofshootsofCarexrostrataJournalofEcology + |
Stichwort | BiolFlor Literaturzitate + |
Titel | The life history and population dynamics of shoots of Carex rostrata + |
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Bernard 1976 + , Bernard 1976 + , Bernard 1976 + , Bernard 1976 + , Bernard 1976 + , Bernard 1976 + , Bernard 1976 + |
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