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Goulson & Williams 2001 |
Autor | Goulson, Dave + , Williams, Paul + |
Autorenschaft | Goulson, Dave; Williams, Paul; + |
Band | 14 + |
Jahr | 2001 + |
Letzter Zugriff | 17 November 2010 + |
Online | + |
Originalsprache | Englisch + |
Sammelwerk | British Journal of Entomology and Natural History + |
Seiten | 129-131 + |
Seitenname | Goulson & Williams 2001 + |
Sortierschlüssel | Goulson,DaveWilliams,Paul2001Bombushypnorum(HymenopteraApidae),anewBritishbumblebeeBritishJournalofEntomologyandNaturalHistory + |
Stichwort | Bombus hypnorum + , Taxonomische Literatur + , Verbreitung + |
Titel | ''Bombus hypnorum'' (Hymenoptera: Apidae), a new British bumblebee + |
Zusammenfassung | A male of the bumblebee ''Bombus hypnorum'' (L.) has been collected in Wiltshire. This species has not been recorded previously from Britain and its identification and status are discussed. + |
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Goulson & Williams 2001 + , Goulson & Williams 2001 + , Goulson & Williams 2001 + , Goulson & Williams 2001 + , Goulson & Williams 2001 + , Goulson & Williams 2001 + , Goulson & Williams 2001 + |
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