Fedorov et al. - Flora of Russia 01 - 1999

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Bobrov, A. E., Bobrov, E. G., Fedorov, A. A. & Tzvelev, N. N.; Fedorov, A. A., Ikonnikov, S. S., Tzvelev, N. N. & Czerepanov, S. K. (Hrsg.) 1999: Flora of Russia. The European Part and Bordering Regions. Lycopodiophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta, Pinophyta (=Gymnospermae), Magnoliophyta. Bd. 1, A.A.Balkema Publishers, ISBN 90-5410-751-0, S. 1-546 (https:/​/​www.​biodiversitylibrary.​org/​item/​113023).

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