Cladonia ciliata (en)

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Cladonia ciliata Stirt.

Beschreibung: Podetia hollow, round in cross-section, erect, richly branched, 3-6 cm tall, to 0.8 mm diameter, without squamules. Whitish grey or tinged yellow-green in var. tenuis, but more strongly ash- or bluish-grey (without green) in the less frequent var. ciliata. Often purple-brown towards the tips. Terminal branches ± downturned, distinctly orientated in one direction. The the last 2 to 3 branches predominantly dichotomous. Sometimes with inconspicuous holes in the axils. Young tips slender. Apothecia brown, inconspicuous, like small buttons on the tips of the branches, rather rare. Pycnidia with red jelly-like contents. Thallus C–, K–, KC–, P+ intensely orange-red, UV–.

Var. tenuis and var. ciliata look different in direct comparison in daylight, but are difficult to distinguish on the basis of photos.

C. ciliata resembles the more frequent C. portentosa, but is more delicate, with the majority of branches oriented in a single direction and often appearing "combed". In shade the "combed" appearance and the purple-brown coloring of the branch tips can be missing. A differentiation is possible by chemical testing, since C. portentosa gives no P reaction. Silverside 2016

Wirth 2014


Habitat  Habitat: Widespread and locally common. Growes in pinewoods, on heaths, on moors, and on base-boor dunes.

Weiterführende Links

Silverside, A.: Cladonia ciliata. Contains very meaningful photos.

FGBI: Cladonia ciliata.

Buch/Veröffentlichung Literatur

Silverside, A. 2016: Alan Silverside's Lichen Pages. (http:/​/​www.​lichens.​lastdragon.​org/​index.​html).
Wirth, V. & Kirschbaum, U. 2014: Flechten einfach bestimmen. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim.

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