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Liste der Ergebnisse
- Gibbs & Talavera 2001 + (Breeding system studies with three species of Anagallis (Primulaceae): Self-incompatibility and reduced female fertility in A. monelli L)
- Meier & Holderegger 1998 + (Breeding system, germination, and phenotypic differences among populations of Saxifraga aizoides (Saxifragaceae) at the periphery of its alpine distribution)
- Lindell 1998 + (Breeding systems and crossing experiments in Anemone patens and in the Anemone pulsatilla group (Ranunculaceae))
- Murray 1974 + (Breeding systems and floral biology in the genus Briza)
- Thomas & Murray 1981 + (Breeding systems and hybridization in Pethrorhagia sect. Kohlrauschia (Caryophyllaceae))
- Feliner 1991 + (Breeding systems and related floral traits in several Erysimum (Cruciferae))
- Khalaf & Stace 2000 + (Breeding systems and relationships of the Cerastium tomentosum group)
- Owens & Ubera-Jimenez 1992 + (Breeding systems in Labiatae)
- Varopoulos 1979 + (Breeding systems in Myosotis scorpioides L. (Boraginaceae))
- Bosch, Simon, Molero & Blanche 2001 + (Breeding systems in tribe Delphinieae (Ranunculaceae) in the western Mediterranean area)
- Vesprini & Pacini 2000 + (Breeding systems in two species of the genus Helleborus (Ranunculaceae))
- Brehm 1913 + (Brehms Tierleben. ─ Lurche und Kriechtiere)
- Irmisch 1859e + (Briefliche Mitteilung an den Schriftführer des Vereins Vincetoxicum betreffend)
- Bräutigam 1998 + (Briefliche Mitteilung an die Autoren der BiolFlor Datenbank)
- Baxter, British phaenogamous botany 03 1837 + (British Phænogamous Botany, or Figures and Descriptions of the Genera of British Flowering Plants)
- Baxter, British phaenogamous botany 04 1839 + (British Phænogamous Botany, or Figures and Descriptions of the Genera of British Flowering Plants)
- Baxter, British phaenogamous botany 01 1834 + (British Phænogamous Botany, or Figures and Descriptions of the Genera of British Flowering Plants)
- Baxter, British phaenogamous botany 02 1835 + (British Phænogamous Botany, or Figures and Descriptions of the Genera of British Flowering Plants)
- Redfern & Shirley 2002 + (British Plant Galls. ─ Identification of galls on plants and fungi)
- Shuckard 1866 + (British bees: an introduction to the study of the natural history and economy of the bees indigenous to the British Isles)
- Curtis J. 1838 + (British entomology; being illustrations an … British entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain and Ireland: containing coloured figures from nature of the most an beautiful species and in many instances of the plants upon they which they are found. Diptera Omalopteray which they are found. Diptera Omaloptera)
- Watson & Dallwitz 2003 + (British insects)
- Loudon 1846 + (British wild flowers)
- Bruns 1996 + (Bruns Pflanzen)
- Weymar 1988b + (Buch der Kreuzblütler)
- Weymar 1976 + (Buch der Rosengewächse)
- Weymar 1966 + (Buch der Schmetterlingsblütler)
- Peterson & Thomas 1971 + (Buds on the roots of Hieracium florentinum (hawkweed))
- Prys-Jones & Corbet 1987 + (Bumblebees)
- Prys-Jones & Corbet 1991 + (Bumblebees)
- Benton 2006 + (Bumblebees)
- Aas & Riedmiller 1987 + (Bäume)
- Hecker 1998 + (Bäume und Sträucher)
- Godet 2007 + (Bäume und Sträucher bestimmen und nachschlagen)
- Klimes & Klimesova 1997 + (CLOPLA1, (CLOnal PLAnts, version 1) a database of clonal plants)
- Johnson 1998 + (CRC ethnobotany desk reference)
- Wigham et al. 1980 + (Cadmium tolerance of ''Holcus lanatus'' L. collected from soils with a range of cadmium concentrations)
- Sukopp & Langer 1996 + (Campanula rapunculoides – ein Apophyt in der Vegetation Mitteleuropas)
- Rosenbauer 1996 + (Campanulaceae)
- Böttner, Frey & Hensen 1997 + (Carex humilis-Gesellschaft im unteren Unstruttal (mitteldeutsches Trockengebiet) – Lebensstrategien einer xerothermen Vegetationseinheit)
- Gaggermeier 1986 + (Carex michelii Host, eine für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland neue kontinentale Segge)
- MacDonald & Cavers 1974 + (Cauline rosettes- an asexual means of reproduction and dispersal occurring after seed formation in Barbarea vulgaris (yellow rocket))
- Holderegger 2000 + (Changes in rosette size distribution of Saxifraga mutata in a successional sere)
- Osman et al. - Foodborne Infections and Intoxications - 2013 + (Chapter 32: Plant Toxins)
- Li & Demarly 1995 + (Characterization of factors affecting plant regeneration frequency of Medicago lupulina L)
- Thebaud & Abbott 1995 + (Characterization of invasive Conyza species (Asteraceae) in Europe: quantitative trait and isozyme analysis)
- Lawalrée 1953 + (Chenopodiaceae)
- Aellen 1979 + (Chenopodiaceae)
- Dostálek 1986 + (Chenopodium ficifolium Smith in the North Korea (D. P. R. K.))
- Gutte 1972 + (Chenopodium probstii Aellen und Atriplex heterosperma Bunge in Leipzig sowie Mitteilung weiterer adventivfloristischer Neufunde)
- Plank 2010 + (Chironomid-based inference models for Tibetan lakes aided by a newly developed chironomid identification key)