Vorlage:Decision S2/Test

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Key to common UK street trees
Von: Bob Press
The key allows quick but reliable identification of common urban street trees in the UK. Please make comments on the discussion page of this key (see tab above page) or send suggestions to Bob Press.
(Geltungsbereich nicht angegeben) — Zusammenarbeit: offen — Stand: Text completed, illustrations incomplete, Species page incomplete (species links in red are not yet created).Bisherige Koautoren: Bob Press, G. Hagedorn (formatting and minor adaptations)
Calocedrus decurrens-leaves.jpg
Cupressus nootkatensis 5879.JPG
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana fruits close up.jpg
Foliage with white markings beneath, the smallest twigs on a branch all spreading in one plane; fruiting cones 7-9 mm, each cone-scale with a small spine in the centre
Cupressocyparis leylandii cone JR Press.jpg
Foliage without white markings beneath, the smallest twigs on a branch spreading in all directions; fruiting cones 15-20 mm, each cone-scale with a large conical spine in the centre
Daniel Fuchs.CC-BY-SA.Acer saccharinum.jpg
Leaves green above, silvery white beneath
Acer pseudoplatanus5 ies.jpg
Leaf lobes with numerous, small teeth; flowers in pendent clusters; fruits with wings more or less forming a right angle (at 90º to each other)
Acer platanoides fruit black background JR Press.jpg
Acer campestre single leaf grey background JR Press.jpg
Leaves up to 8 cm long, lobed more than half-way to the base, the lobes with rounded tips; flowers appearing with the leaves
Acer platanoides single leaf grey background R Press.jpg
Leaf lobes toothed
Acer cappadocicum single leaf grey background JR Press.jpg
Leaf lobes entire
Aesculus hippocastanum fruits JR Press 726a.jpg
Flowers mostly white, with red and yellow blotches; fruits with numerous, sharp spines; winter buds very sticky
Aesculus carnea fruits JR Press 724a.jpg
Flowers red or bright pink; fruits with few, if any, blunt spines; winter buds not sticky
Fraxinus excelsior fruit grey background JR Press.jpg
Acer platanoides fruit grey background JR Press.jpg
Fruits paired on each stalk
Fraxinus excelsior flowers 4a JR Press.jpg
Leaves with 7-13 leaflets; flowers appearing after the leaves, purplish, without sepals or petals; fruits 2.5-5 cm long
Fraxinus ornus flowers 160a JR Press.jpg
Leaves with 5-9 leaflets; flowers appearing after the leaves, white, with 4 narrow petals; fruits 1-5-2.5 long
Robinia pseudoacacia stilplar thorns JR Press 836b.jpg
Twigs spiny; flowers with 5 unequal petals, pea-like
Sorbus hybrida single leaf grey background JR Press.jpg
Sorbus aucuparia fruits JR Press.JPG
Ripe fruits entirely orange-red to vermillion-red (occasionally yellow), with yellow pulp
Sorbus glabrescens.jpg
Ripe fruits white to pink or crimson, with white pulp
Leaves with 1-2 pairs of leaflets, matt green above, grey-white woolly beneath; ripe fruit scarlet
Leaves with 1-4 pairs of leaflets, glossy green above, thinly white hairy beneath; ripe fruit brownish-red
Quercus ilex leaves black background JR Press 811a.jpg
Leaves evergreen, often spiny
Crataegus persimilis spines JR Press 425.JPG
Leaves with a rounded or bluntly pointed tip, completely hairless beneath; flower and fruit stalks hairless
Crataegus lavallei fruits JR Press C1.jpg
Leaves with whitish hairs scattered over the whole of the lower surface; flowers c. 2.5 cm across; ripe fruits orange-red
Crataegus persimilis fruits JR Press 818.JPG
Leaves with hairs on the veins of the lower surface only; flowers c. 1.5 cm across; ripe fruits red
Crataegus monogyna single leaf grey background JR Press 576a.jpg
Leaves usually with 5-7 lobes, the largest reaching more than two-thirds of the way to the midrib; flowers always white; styles and nutlets 1
Crataegus laevigata single leaf grey background JR Press 3.jpg
Leaves usually with 3 lobes, the largest reaching less than two-thirds of the way to the midrib; flowers white, red or pink; styles and nutlets 2-3
Platanus hispanica single leaf black background JR Press 706a.jpg
Leaves palmately lobed
Quercus cerris folliage.jpg
Sorbus intermedia leaf JR Press 626.JPG
Leaves whitish or silvery hairy beneath
Leaves greyish to yellowish hairy beneath
Leaves with 7-9 pairs of blunt-tipped lobes, rough above, hairy beneath; acorn cup with spreading or reflexed scales
Quercus rubra 2008 07 06 (1).JPG
Autumn Red Oak Leaf.jpg
Leaves barely longer than wide, lobed c. half-way to midrib, shiny on both surfaces
Leaves much longer than wide, lobed c. two-thirds of way to midrib, matt on both surfaces
Betula pendula bark JR Press 870a.jpg
Bark silvery, developing black, diamond-shaped fissures with age; twigs and smaller branches weeping; leaf stalk hairless
Betula jacquemontii barkJR Press 622a.jpg
Bark creamy white, peeling in thin sheets; twigs and smaller branches erect or drooping at tips only; leaf stalk hairy
Salix sepulchralis tree JR Press 443.JPG
Tree weeping; leaves > 10 times as long as wide
Fagus sylvatica leaves 395a.jpg
Leaves with wavy, entire margins
Petals yellowish or absent; fruit dry
Alnus cordata fruits JR Press 749.JPG
Alnus cordata fruits JR Press 750.JPG
Leaf margins toothed; cones in clusters of 1-3
Alnus glutinosa fruit JR Press 688.JPG
Leaf margins doubly-toothed (the teeth themselves toothed); cones in clusters of 3-8
Carpinus betulus fruits 375.JPG
Flowers and fruits in pendent catkins; petals absent; fruits each with a membranous wing
Tilia petiolaris fruits JR Press 854.JPG
Flowers and fruits in stalked clusters; petals present; entire fruit cluster attached to a single, membranous wing
Geschlossene Blütenknospen der Sommerlinde.JPG
Tilia x europaea leaf hairs JR Press.jpg
Leaves with matt upper surface, the hairs in the vein angles beneath whitish; fruit rounded at both ends
Tilia x euchlora leaf hairs JR Press 2.jpg
Leaves with glossy upper surface; the hairs in the vein angles beneath reddish; fruit tapering at both ends
Tilia platyphyllos.jpg
Leaves green on both surfaces
Tilia petiolaris tree JR Press 277.jpg
Branches weeping
Branches not weeping
Malus purpurea halved fruit JR Press.JPG
Prunus cerasifera halved fruit JR Press.JPG
Flowers with a single style; fruits with a single seed (stone); bark often with conspicuous horizontal bands of pores (lenticels)
Leaves strongly tinged with purple; flowers dark or ruby red; fruit purplish red
Malus floribunda (Japanese crabapple).jpg
Leaves hairy beneath; flowers pale pink fading to white, usually with 4 styles; fruits yellow
Malus baccata var hymalaica1.jpg
Fruits < 1 cm long, globose to ellipsoid
Fruits c. 3.5 cm long, conical
Prunus padus flowers.jpg
Flowers and fruits arranged in spreading or drooping spikes of 10 or more
Prunus serrulata 2005 spring 026.jpg
Prunus cerasifera fruit JR Press 904.jpg
Leaf margin with blunt and rounded teeth; flowers solitary, rarely in clusters of 2-3; fruit 2-3 cm
Prunus serrulata marginal teeth JR Press.jpg
Leaf margin with teeth gradually narrowed into a long point tipped with a long, fine bristle
Prunus subhirtella a2.jpg
Leaf stalk hairy; flowers generally pink, the stalk 1 cm
Sweet cherry flower.jpg
Leaf stalk hairless; flowers white, the stalk 2-5 cm
Quelle: Offene Naturführer, Das Wiki zu Bestimmungsfragen: Vorlage:Decision S2/Test. Abgerufen am 12. Dezember 2024, 18:49 von https://offene-naturfuehrer.de/web/Vorlage:Decision_S2/Test