PROBLEM: a parameter for Parent key is missing, there is not way to go back with this key style!
This template creates a gallery using image links to “click & go”. It is intended to use in main keys with clear intuitive images. It's parameters follow template: Lead.
{{ImageSwitch | caption lines=2
| image 1 = File:Bufo_viridis_female_quadrat.jpg
|result text 1 = Frösche/Kröten/Unkenc
|lead 1 = springend mit 4 Beinen
|result 1 = Froschlurche – Anura
| image 2 = File:Amphibienlaich und Larven Schlüsseleinstieg.jpg
|result text 2 = Amphibien-<br />larven und -laich
|lead 2 = Bestimmung von Kaulquappen und Froschlaich
|result 2 = Bestimmungshilfe für Amphibienlaich und -larven (Philipp Meinecke)
| image 3 = File:Caudata quadratic.png
|result text 3 = Salamander/Molche
|lead 3 = an feuchten Orten oder im Wasser lebend
|result 3 = Schwanzlurche – Caudata
| image 4 = File:Reptilia.jpg
|result text 4 = Reptilien
|lead 4 = Haut aus hornigen Schuppen oder Schilden
|result 4 = Bestimmungsschlüssel für Reptilien in Deutschland
The often used default parameters 1=
, 2=
are not allowed.
Template for copying
{{ImageSwitch | caption lines=2
| image 1 = File:
|result text 1 =
|lead 1 =
|result 1 =
The following parameters are mandatory and optional:
- title=
- optional title (can contain multiple languages preceded by “@en:” or “@de:”)
- title style=
- optional title CSS style
- id=
- optional another id (default=imageswitch)
- creators=
- list of creators (SMW: dc:creator)
- contributors=
- list of contribitors (SMW: dc:contributor)
- rating=
- 0..5 (SMW: xmp:Rating)
- recommendation group=
- what recommendation is the image switch for (SMW: recommendation group)
- image width=
- width of all images (default = 150)
- caption lines=
- number of text lines (default = 1) THIS SHOULD BE NAMED "result lines"!!!
- lead lines=
- number of text lines for the lead text (default = 2)
- caption style=
- caption's style THIS SHOULD BE RESULT STYLE!!!
- style=
- CSS sttyle of the whole gallery
- layout format=
- result text or link text at the bottom or the top. Possible fixed values are:
“result link top result text bottom” (=default) or
“result link bottom result text top” - image 1= … image 30=
- up to 30 images
- lead 1= … lead 30=
- up to 30 descriptions, lead texts (can contain multiple languages preceded by “@en:” or “@de:”)
- result 1= … result 30=
- up to 30 result links, page names
- result text 1= … result text 30=
- up to 30 result texts (can contain multiple languages preceded by “@en:” or “@de:”)
- result id 1= … result id 30=
- id for a result, e.g. if a species portrait follows afterwards (no output, just exported to the JSON)
- scientific name 1= … scientific name 30=
- up to 30 result scientific names (SMW: dwc:scientificName)
- common names 1= … common names 30=
- up to 30 result common names (comma separated list, SMW: dwc:vernacularName, can contain multiple languages preceded by “@en:” or “@de:”)
Technical dependencies
- Kategorie:Schlüssel mit ImageSwitch-Vorlage is set automatically
is used to setup the format.
- template: ImageSwitch/aux
- form: ImageSwitch, template: ImageSwitch/FormPart imageSettings
// for a container using the CSS class="use-jquery-ui-tabs" tabs can be produced // see https://jqueryui.com/tabs/ function initUiTabsInForms() { console.log("initUiTabsInForms"); var use_jquery_ui_tabs= $(".use-jquery-ui-tabs"); var use_jquery_ui_tabs_vertical= $(".use-jquery-ui-tabs-vertical"); if (use_jquery_ui_tabs.length || use_jquery_ui_tabs_vertical.length) { mw.loader.using( 'jquery.ui.tabs', function () { var use_jquery_ui_tabs= $(".use-jquery-ui-tabs");// Google Chrome Fix var use_jquery_ui_tabs_vertical= $(".use-jquery-ui-tabs-vertical");// Google Chrome Fix console.log("initUiTabsInForms mw.loader.using"); if ($(".use-jquery-ui-tabs").length) { $(".use-jquery-ui-tabs").tabs({event: "mouseover"}); console.log("initUiTabsInForms tabs"); } if (use_jquery_ui_tabs_vertical.length) { use_jquery_ui_tabs_vertical.tabs({event: "mouseover"}).addClass( "ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix" ); use_jquery_ui_tabs_vertical.find( "li" ).removeClass( "ui-corner-top" ).addClass( "ui-corner-left" ); console.log("initUiTabsInForms tabs_vertical"); } }); } }
- MediaWiki:Print.css preventing default href link display at corner pictogram
.ImageSwitchGallery a.external.text::after { content:""!important; }
Multiple languages
Multiple languages are supposed to be placed as free text in template parameters preceded by “@en:” or “@de:” etc.:
originally Wiki parsed text of:
--><span class="render_AtLanguageCode2wgUserLanguage">@de: Deutscher Text @en: english Text</span><!--
becomes wrapped by JavaScript dependend on wgUserLanguage (is not the wgContentLanguage) to:
--><span class="render_AtLanguageCode2wgUserLanguage">
<span xml:lang="de">Deutscher Text</span>
<span xml:lang="en" style="display:none">english Text</span>
The display can be set by using the CSS selector xml:lang
See MediaWiki:JKeyRenderLanguageTaggedText2wgUserLanguage.js
* @description
* used for Template:ImageSwitch to render
* <span class="render_AtLanguageCode2wgUserLanguage">@de: Deutscher Text @en: english Text</span>
* to
* <span class="render_AtLanguageCode2wgUserLanguage">
* <span xml:lang="de">Deutscher Text</span>
* <span xml:lang="en" style="display:none">english Text</span>
* </span>
* depending on wgUserLanguage (which is the URL parameter uselang or set by the user in its onwn preferences)
var regexSingleWgUserLanguageMatch = new RegExp("@" + mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage")+ ":\\s*(.+)");
// reset titles
$(this).find("[title*='@" + mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage")+ ":']").each(function(){
var jQthis=$(this), thisTitleWithLanguageArray = jQthis.attr('title').split(/(?=@[a-z]{2}:)/g);
$.each(thisTitleWithLanguageArray, function(index, value){
if (value.match(regexSingleWgUserLanguageMatch)) {
jQthis.attr('title', value.replace(regexSingleWgUserLanguageMatch,"$1"));
// console.log(jQthis);
// reset img[alt]
$(this).find("img[alt*='@" + mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage")+ ":']").each(function(){
var jQthis=$(this), thisTitleWithLanguageArray = jQthis.attr('alt').split(/(?=@[a-z]{2}:)/g);
$.each(thisTitleWithLanguageArray, function(index, value){
if (value.match(regexSingleWgUserLanguageMatch)) {
jQthis.attr('alt', value.replace(regexSingleWgUserLanguageMatch,"$1"));
// console.log(jQthis);
// Links or normal text
if ($(this).text().match(/@[a-z]{2}:/)) {// match language codes @en: @de: etc.
// Links
if ($(this).find("a").html()) {// match only real text
if (!$(this).find("a").html().match(/</)) {
$(this).find("a").html(// wrap with <span lang=""></span>
$(this).find("a").text().replace(/@([a-z]{2}):\s*/i,'<span lang="$1">')
.replace(/\s*@([a-z]{2}):\s*/gi,'</span><span lang="$1">')
).find("span[lang!=" + mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage")+ "]").css({"display":"none"})
} else if ($(this).html()) {// normal texts
if (!$(this).html().match(/</)) {
$(this).html(// wrap with <span lang=""></span>
$(this).text().replace(/@([a-z]{2}):\s*/i,'<span lang="$1">')
.replace(/\s*@([a-z]{2}):\s*/gi,'</span><span lang="$1">')
).find("span[lang!=" + mw.config.get("wgUserLanguage")+ "]").css({"display":"none"})
// reset display none if only one span[lang] is present
var thisSpanLang = $(this).find("span[lang]");
if(thisSpanLang.length==1) {
See also
The german counterpart of this template is template: Bildweiche . Template: Gallery creates also image galleries but with image zoom when clicked.